There are several scientific facts mentioned in the Quran that have been confirmed by modern science. Some examples include:

  1. The shape of the earth: The Quran describes the earth as being “spread out” (Quran, 51:48) which is in agreement with the modern understanding of the earth as a sphere.
  2. The expansion of the universe: The Quran describes the universe as being “expanding” (Quran, 51:47) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the expanding universe.
  3. The water cycle: The Quran describes the water cycle in which water is evaporated, forms clouds, and then falls back to earth as rain (Quran, 2:164).
  4. The creation of man from a small amount of fluid: The Quran describes the creation of man from a small amount of fluid (Quran, 23:14) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the development of the human embryo from a single cell.
  5. The purpose of mountains: The Quran describes mountains as being placed on earth to anchor it and prevent it from shaking (Quran, 16:15) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the role of mountains in stabilizing the earth’s crust.
  6. The role of the sun and the moon: The Quran states that the sun and the moon are in a state of constant movement, and that they are both subject to the laws of physics (Quran, 36:40) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the solar system.
  7. The laws of nature: The Quran states that everything in the universe is subject to the laws of nature (Quran, 30:30) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the natural laws that govern the universe.
  8. The origin of life: The Quran states that everything in the universe was created by Allah (Quran, 11:6) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the origin of life through evolution.
  9. The formation of clouds: The Quran states that clouds are formed from the water vapor that is being pushed up by the winds (Quran, 24:43) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the formation of clouds.
  10. Embryonic Development : Quran describes the stages of embryonic development, which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the stages of embryonic development.
  11. The formation of the universe: The Quran states that the universe was created in six days (Quran, 7:54) and that it was created from nothing (Quran, 2:117) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the Big Bang theory and the concept of the universe being created from a singularity.
  12. The concept of time: The Quran states that time is relative and that a day in the sight of Allah is equivalent to a thousand years (Quran, 22:47) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of time dilation.
  13. The concept of gravity: The Quran states that everything in the universe is held in place by the force of gravity (Quran, 79:30) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of gravity as a fundamental force of nature.
  14. The concept of the conservation of energy: The Quran states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another (Quran, 3:109) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the conservation of energy.
  15. The concept of the circulation of blood: The Quran states that the blood circulates in the human body (Quran, 23:14) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the circulatory system.
  16. The concept of the diversity of life: The Quran states that the earth is full of diverse forms of life (Quran, 45:4) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the diversity of life on earth.
  17. The concept of the diversity of languages: The Quran states that there are many different languages in the world (Quran, 30:22) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the diversity of languages.
  18. The concept of the diversity of races: The Quran states that there are many different races of people in the world (Quran, 49:13) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the diversity of races.
  19. The concept of the variety of fruits: The Quran states that there are many different types of fruits in the world (Quran, 13:4) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the variety of fruits.
  20. The concept of the protection of the environment: The Quran states that the earth is to be respected and protected (Quran, 55:10-11) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the importance of protecting the environment.
  21. The concept of the water cycle: The Quran states that water evaporates from the earth and then falls back to the earth in the form of rain (Quran, 39:21) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the water cycle.
  22. The concept of the atmosphere: The Quran states that the atmosphere protects the earth from harmful radiation (Quran, 21:32) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the atmosphere’s role in protecting the earth.
  23. The concept of the expansion of the universe: The Quran states that the universe is constantly expanding (Quran, 51:47) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the expansion of the universe.
  24. The concept of the layers of the earth: The Quran states that the earth has seven layers (Quran, 65:12) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the layers of the earth.
  25. The concept of the diversity of creatures: The Quran states that there are different types of creatures on earth (Quran, 24:45) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the diversity of creatures on earth.
  26. The concept of the formation of mountains: The Quran states that mountains are formed as a result of tectonic activity (Quran, 78:6-7) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the formation of mountains.
  27. The concept of the formation of oceans: The Quran states that oceans were formed as a result of the separation of land and water (Quran, 25:53) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the formation of oceans.
  28. The concept of the formation of stars: The Quran states that stars were formed as a result of the collapse of clouds of gas and dust (Quran, 41:11-12) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the formation of stars.
  29. The concept of the formation of galaxies: The Quran states that galaxies were formed as a result of the rotation of clouds of gas and dust (Quran, 51:47) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the formation of galaxies.
  30. The concept of the origin of life: The Quran states that life on Earth was created by Allah (Quran, 3:59) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the origin of life on earth.
  31. The concept of the embryo development: The Quran states that the formation of the embryo happens in stages, and that each stage is created differently (Quran, 23:14) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the embryonic development.
  32. The concept of the human reproductive system: The Quran states that the human body has two distinct sexes, male and female, and that the reproductive system is created in pairs (Quran, 53:45-46) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the human reproductive system.
  33. The concept of the importance of sleep: The Quran states that sleep is important for the body and mind, and that it is a way to rest and rejuvenate (Quran, 78:9) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the importance of sleep for overall health.
  34. The concept of the human consciousness: The Quran states that humans have the ability to reflect, understand and make decisions (Quran, 30:8) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of human consciousness.
  35. The concept of the preservation of the environment: The Quran states that the earth is a place of balance and that humans should not harm it (Quran, 7:56) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the importance of preserving the environment for future generations.
  36. The concept of the formation of oil and natural gases: The Quran states that oil and natural gases are formed from the remains of ancient organisms (Quran, 24:35) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the formation of fossil fuels.
  37. The concept of the human immune system: The Quran states that the human body has a natural defense mechanism to protect itself from diseases (Quran, 3:169) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the human immune system.
  38. The concept of the diversity of languages: The Quran states that there are different languages spoken by different people (Quran, 30:22) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the diversity of languages spoken by humans.
  39. The concept of the human brain: The Quran states that the human brain is responsible for human thought and emotions (Quran, 91:7-8) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the human brain.
  40. The concept of the human DNA: The Quran states that humans are created from a small amount of fluid (Quran, 75:37) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the role of DNA in human development.
  41. The concept of the water cycle: The Quran states that water is a cycle of evaporation and precipitation (Quran, 39:21) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the water cycle.
  42. The concept of the expansion of the universe: The Quran states that the universe is constantly expanding (Quran, 51:47) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the expansion of the universe.
  43. The concept of the origin of the universe: The Quran states that the universe was created from a singularity (Quran, 21:30) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the Big Bang theory.
  44. The concept of the atmosphere: The Quran states that the atmosphere protects the earth from harmful radiation (Quran, 15:19) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the atmosphere’s protective function.
  45. The concept of the geological formation of mountains: The Quran states that mountains were formed to stabilize the earth’s crust (Quran, 21:31) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the role of mountains in maintaining the stability of the earth’s crust.
  46. The concept of the stratification of the atmosphere: The Quran states that the atmosphere is composed of different layers (Quran, 41:11-12) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the stratification of the atmosphere.
  47. The concept of the diversity of living organisms: The Quran states that there is diversity in the creation of living organisms (Quran, 45:4) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the diversity of life on earth.
  48. The concept of the relationship between light and color: The Quran states that light and color are related (Quran, 35:27-28) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the relationship between light and color.
  49. The concept of the conservation of energy: The Quran states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another (Quran, 56:60-61) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of the law of conservation of energy.
  50. The concept of the human fingerprint: The Quran states that every human being has unique fingerprints (Quran, 75:3-4) which is in agreement with the modern scientific understanding of human fingerprints as unique identifiers.

It’s important to note that the Quran is not a scientific text, but rather a religious text that contains teachings, guidance and wisdom. It’s also worth noting that some of these scientific facts have been understood and acknowledged by the scientific community after the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

In conclusion, the Quran contains many scientific facts that have been confirmed by modern science. However, it’s important to note that the Quran is not a scientific text, but rather a religious text that contains teachings, guidance and wisdom. Additionally, some of these scientific facts have been understood and acknowledged by the scientific community after the time of the Prophet Muhammad.