The Holy Quran is considered a miracle by Muslims for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is its unique literary style. The Quran’s eloquence and beauty have been praised by scholars of literature from all over the world, even those who do not speak Arabic, the language in which the Quran was revealed. Many have noted that the Quran’s style is unmatched by any other piece of literature in terms of its ability to convey powerful messages in a concise and powerful way.

Another reason that the Quran is considered a miracle is its preservation. The Quran has been preserved in its original form for over 1400 years, and is still widely read and recited today. This is a testament to the care and attention that has been given to preserving the Quran over the centuries.

Another reason why the Quran is considered a miracle is its scientific accuracy. The Quran contains a number of scientific facts that were not known at the time of its revelation, but have been confirmed by modern science. For example, the Quran describes the water cycle, the expansion of the universe, and the diversity of living organisms in a way that is consistent with modern scientific understanding.

The Quran also contains many prophecies that have been fulfilled. For example, the Quran predicts the defeat of the Persians by the Romans, which occurred in 627 AD, and the defeat of the Byzantines by the Muslims, which occurred in 629 AD.

Another important aspect of the Quran that is considered a miracle is its ability to provide answers and guidance for all aspects of life. The Quran covers a wide range of topics, including moral guidance, social and economic issues, and spiritual growth. It also provides a comprehensive understanding of God and the purpose of life. This ability to provide guidance and answers for all aspects of life is considered a miracle because it shows that the Quran is not just a book of religious teachings, but a book that can be applied to all aspects of life.

In addition, the Quran’s teachings are universal and timeless. The Quran’s message is relevant to all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or time period. This is because the Quran addresses fundamental human issues such as the nature of God, the purpose of life, and the importance of morality and justice. This universality and timelessness of the Quran’s message is considered a miracle because it shows that the Quran is not limited by the culture or time period in which it was revealed.

The Quran’s message also has a transformative effect on those who read and study it. The Quran’s teachings have the power to change people’s hearts and minds, and to improve their behavior and actions. This transformative effect is considered a miracle because it shows that the Quran has the power to change people for the better and to help them lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Furthermore, the Quran’s teachings also have a profound impact on the society. The Quran’s message of justice, equality, and compassion has been a driving force behind many social and political movements throughout history. The Quran’s teachings on these issues have been instrumental in promoting social justice and equality and in fighting against oppression and injustice.

Finally, the Quran’s teachings also have a profound impact on the individual’s spiritual growth. The Quran’s message encourages people to seek a deeper understanding of God and to develop a stronger relationship with God. It encourages people to lead a life of devotion, to be grateful for God’s blessings, and to seek forgiveness for their sins. This spiritual growth is considered a miracle because it shows that the Quran has the power to bring people closer to God and to help them lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, the Quran is considered a miracle by Muslims for many reasons. Its unique literary style, preservation, scientific accuracy, fulfilled prophecies, ability to change lives, ability to provide answers and guidance for all aspects of life, universality and timelessness of its message, transformative effect, profound impact on society, and profound impact on individual’s spiritual growth are some of the reasons that make the Quran a miracle. Muslims believe that the Quran is a gift from God and a source of guidance and wisdom for all people.